Help Provide Essential Food and Housing for Those in Need at FLC
The Grub Hub is a student-led, basic needs justice organization committed to serving everyone—undergraduate and graduate
students, staff, faculty, and community members—by breaking down the stigma behind food and housing security.
- Food Pantry
- Hot meals - soup stations and hot lunches
- Shelf-stable goods, produce, meat, and to-go meals
- Non-food basics (hygiene items, menstruation products, professional closet)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Applications
- Awards up to $250/month for groceries
Housing support for students includes:
- Emergency housing: Provides temporary housing for students without safe and reliable shelter.
- Rental/Move-in assistance: Students transition into stable, long-term housing with financial assistance and guidance. We support students in their journey to financial independence and secure housing.
Every college student should have access to safe and stable housing, nutritious and culturally relevant foods, and a diverse and inclusive selection of hygiene, menstruation, and personal care products. Above all, your continued support fosters a secure campus for basic needs and creates a community of care.